Collection: Half Half|ハーフ first-run limited edition concept EP joint ride planning cooperation unit introduction

Brief introduction of joint ride planning cooperation units


Lin Jiahao, also known as PIBG2038, is a Macau graffiti artist, a member of GANTZ5, the founder of the Xiangduo International Street Art Festival, and the brand manager of What the Land. Since the late 1990s, when he started creating street graffiti, he has been exposed to various related educations such as sculpture, calligraphy, modern painting and graphic design. Since 2000, he has traveled to mainland China, Australia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places to create and participate in local joint exhibitions for more than dozens of times. In 2004, GANTZ5, the first graffiti art team in Macau, was established. It is one of the most influential groups in the graffiti industry in China today.

The style of his works is most outstanding with funny characters and animals, expressing the vitality of life with bright and strong contrasting colors. The creative style is mainly based on characters and characters. There is always a Love Messenger dialog box with a red heart on the work, which means that if you like it, you must show it bravely, and it is a symbol of pursuit.

He has cooperated with many well-known international brands, and is the graffiti artist of Balenciaga and Dior.

Sloth Souls (aka Triple S)

Sloth souls was established in 2018 as a Hip Hop music label in Macau. It mainly focuses on music creation, music production and music videos. Control; Mamo is the core Rapper of the team. Before 2018, he participated in several large-scale singing competitions in Macau and won multiple championships and sub-season results. He later transformed into a hip-hop rapper and has more than 20 personal original songs; Sleeping Slums, Pull Up, Day and Night Upside Down Feat Cccrowcity, can you? feat GRK, DRAMA DANG feat CAROLS MILLAR and more.

what the land

Created and managed by Macau street artist PIBG2038, the What The Land products include art joint clothing, art products, and art spray paintings. Combining art with life attitude, there can be works of art that can be worn on the upper body, can be taken out, and can be hung in any corner, making creation closer to life.